Book of Matthew Quiz

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book of matthew quiz

Summary of Book of Matthew Quiz

Embark on a spiritual journey through the Book of Matthew Quiz. This quiz invites you to delve into the life and teachings of Jesus Christ as recounted by Matthew, a firsthand disciple. Test your knowledge of the Sermon on the Mount, the parables, and the miraculous events that define the cornerstone of Christian faith. Whether you’re a scripture scholar or just starting your biblical exploration, this quiz is designed to deepen your understanding and inspire your faith.

Book of Matthew

1 / 20

What did the centurion at the crucifixion say about Jesus?

2 / 20

At the transfiguration, who appeared with Jesus?

3 / 20

What is the greatest commandment according to Jesus in Matthew?

4 / 20

What did the owner of the vineyard pay the workers in the parable?

5 / 20

What must one do to be great in the Kingdom of Heaven, according to Matthew 18?

6 / 20

How does Jesus suggest we should pray?

7 / 20

In the Sermon on the Mount, who does Jesus say will inherit the earth?

8 / 20

What happened during Jesus’ baptism?

9 / 20

What did Judas receive for betraying Jesus?

10 / 20

Which disciple denied Jesus three times?

11 / 20

Why did Jesus walk on water?

12 / 20

Who did the people of Jerusalem believe Jesus was?

13 / 20

How did Peter respond when Jesus asked who the disciples said he is?

14 / 20

What did Jesus feed the 5,000 with?

15 / 20

Who did Jesus say John the Baptist was the reincarnation of?

16 / 20

What is NOT a part of the Beatitudes?

17 / 20

What does Jesus compare the Kingdom of Heaven to in Matthew 13?

18 / 20

What was Jesus’ first temptation in the wilderness?

19 / 20

Which prophet was quoted as saying, “A voice was heard in Ramah”?

20 / 20

Who visited Jesus after his birth?

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The average score is 72%


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